

As an artist, I am interested in exploring post-humanism, gender, and identity through the lens of the body, specifically the skin. My name is Joe Madeira, and I work primarily with vinyl, which I stretch and fill with polyester wadding to create unique sculptural pieces.


My work is inspired by the concept of the body as a site of both constraint and possibility. Through the manipulation of materials and form, I aim to challenge traditional notions of gender and identity, and to highlight the ways in which these constructs can be reimagined and reconstructed.


My process is highly intuitive, and I often find myself drawn to contemporary materials that have the potential to be transformed and moulded in unexpected ways. By experimenting with different surfaces, textures, colours, and shapes, I strive to create works that are both visually striking and conceptually rich.


Ultimately, my goal as an artist is to invite viewers to engage with their own perceptions of the body, and to encourage them to consider the ways in which our physical selves shape our identity and understanding of the world around us.



MASS Sculpture Programme

Turps Art School
Royal College of Art (MPhil)
Central St Martins (MA)



2024 - Landslide, Mass Sculpture End of Year Show, Thames Side Gallery - London (UK)
2023 - Artist's Artist, OSHS Projects - London (UK)
2022 - Hard Times, Koppel X - London (UK)
2022 - Verb - Mass Sculpture End of Year Show, Mass Studios - London (UK)

2022 - Fools Gold - Mass Interim Show, Mass Studios - London (UK)
2021 - Works on Paper, Thames-Side Studios Viewing Room - London (UK)
2018 - Do Re Mi Fa So La Te, Griffin Gallery - London (UK)

2017 - Setting the Scene - Online Exhibition



2019 - Elephant Lab



Grant from Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Won The Chris Garnham Prize